I have always been involved in the arts. Yes, I very often have a camera in hand, but I've been singing for my entire life and I love making things with my hands. I learned to sew from my mom, I gained an appreciation for woodworking from my dad and his father, both of my grandmothers taught me different needlework, and my maternal grandfather would draw and color with all of his grandkids for hours when we were growing up.
Not long after I graduated college, I was asked by my former high school band director if I would be interested in volunteering at the Kaneland Community Fine Arts Festival, in Maple Park, Illinois, an amazing day celebrating local artists, both visual and performing. It's a free event designed to allow memebers of the rural farming community in which I grew up to have access to art and performances that they may not otherwise be able to see. I loved it. I photographed the festival as well as some of the organization's stage productions for nearly 10 years. Moving to Georgia has obviously interrupted my work with the Kaneland Arts Initiative, but I am still in contact with members and I hope that I can attend events in the future.
Being involved with KAI and photographing the KCFAF gave me a greater appreciation of other mediums. and made me realize how much I enjoy photographing my fellow artists while they're "in the zone". As I have experimented with and worked in other mediums myself, I've realized how hard it is to photograph your process as an artist. I wanted to make that a little easier for you!

I have a couple of different pre-made options for artists who would like their work and/or process documented, or we can work together to make a plan that better fits your needs! Just send me a message and we can discuss how best I can capture the images you need.
Products | $25 per hour | 5 images per item
This option is just to capture product images sized for use in online stores and advertising on social media.
Etsy suggests at least five images per listing, so that's what I strive to capture, but that can be
adjusted if your shop is hosted elsewhere. We will work together to create a setting, however
you are responsible for any necessary props and set dressing.
Image files sized for use in physical advertising and printing are available for purchase.
Behind the Scenes | $400 | 2 hours, 35-40 final images
The perfect way to capture images of yourself at work on your craft. I will join you for around 2 hours
to document your artistic process and details of your workspace and materials. The majority of the images
will be unposed, but I will include a handful of more "formal" portraits, perfect for bio pages or profile pictures.
You will receive 15 image files of your choice in both a large, print-sized digital file
as well as web-sized files for use on your website or social media,
with an option to upgrade and receive all images.
Sally Jane